
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Please pass along...

So I am asking all of my fellow bloggers to please put a link on your page to my blog. I know that some of your hesitate in linking it because of personal information. I appreciate your concern, but would love for you to share my blog. I am going complete public with it in hopes to share our story of Bronson and also to get the word out about our Jackson Deets Memorial Fundraiser. I will be doing mass advertising this next week and appreciate all help in getting the word out. I am still in desperate need of items for this event. Several people have asked when they have to have these items done and that would be before October 29, 2008. I will pick up all items prior to October 31st. If you are in the Corvallis area I will be making a trip down that way for Bronson's appointments so I will pick them up then.

Thanks again for all of the support. I am super excited about doing this event. In another note the walk for our March of Dimes team is the last Saturday in April. I have set up our team and will be getting more information in December.