Kyle and Bronson are staying in Blodgett tonight. This has seemed to happen a couple of times lately and I realized tonight that although I enjoy the peace and quiet for the evening, I never take advantage of it. I have got nothing done tonight, but a couple of research topics searched on the Internet. I am missing both of my guys like crazy, but especially Kyle.
I can't believe that this year marks 13 1/2 years that we have been together. He still continues to be my best friend, however, I am constantly striving to be a better wife and partner for him. It is so easy to let your marriage go and put it on the back burner and I never want that to happen to us. I am not ashamed to share that we have went to see counselors on several occasions in our marriage. We feel that the most important relationship we have on Earth besides our relationship with God is our marriage. If your marriage isn't strong everything else suffers.
As I was looking up some information tonight in regards to rekindling our marriage I found a great article that I would like to share..."Marital love is like a fire. If you do nothing to a fire, it will eventually die out. You have to keep fanning the flame and place logs in the fire to keep the flame burning. You determine the brightness of a fire."
1. Spend time together.
We have started making it a priority for one date night per month complete with Bronson gone for the night.
2. See the best in each other.
This step is important to look at your spouse with the same eyes that you started with. Don't let others determine the character of your spouse.
3. Publicly show affection.
The author states this is important to establish boundaries for others that are possibly looking to impose on your marriage. Kyle and I do not worry about adultery; however, I am not naive to think that others don't look for opportunities to make their moves.
4. Be attractive.
I am one lucky woman when it comes to having an attractive husband. I have struggled with my weight for several years since we have gotten married, but I feel strongly that it is important to take care of yourself and stay attractive for your partner as well as for your own self esteem.
5. Talk to each other.
It is important to make a habit out of talking to your spouse everyday. Kyle's new way of doing this in a romantic way is that he texts me everyday to let me know he loves me or is thinking about me. It means a lot to me.
6. Submit to each other.
This one is HARD for me. I always want to be in control, but I need to realize that Kyle has great ideas and that his opinion matters just as much as mine. Letting the other person have a voice is a strong factor in providing a safe and meaningful relationship.
I know this seems like a weird post, but I thought it might be nice for me to be open in regards to our marriage. Kyle once wrote me a letter in our high school days that ended with the statement that he hoped to be part of the "greatest love story ever told." I feel so lucky to be living this dream with him!