I have lots to catch up on, but I will first start with Bronson's 1st Christmas. I can't believe how well he did with all the people around. We started the holidays off at my mom's house in Blodgett. Bronson and Olivia celebrated her 2nd birthday first with a piece of cake. I let him try this cake out so that he had practice for his birthday party. Olivia is such a sweetheart to Bronson. Any gift that she would open would immediatley be given over to Bronson to play with. It didn't matter what it was as far as she was concerned it was meant for Bronson. She brought her bike over because she had to let "Baby Beau" ride on it. He LOVED it!!! Great idea for us for next year.
Christmas day Bronson got to try his first french toast and a little grape juice. He then wasn't too keen on the idea of opening presents. We helped him open most of his presents and then he took a nap while the four of us (Kyle, Ann, Bill, and I) opened presents. It was nice being able to slowly take the time to treasure each and every gift while he was napping. My family really spoiled me this year. They kept saying it was to make up for last year, but as far as I am concerned...Bronson was the best Christmas gift of all!!!! Kyle got me a new wedding ring for our fifth anniversary. It is beautiful!!!
We spent the rest of the day relaxing and Bronson and I managed to take a small nap together. Ann aka Grammie made us a fabulous prime rib dinner and Bronson ate more than his body weight in food. He scarfed down lots of prime rib, green beans, and even managed to use his own spoon to feed himself mashed potatoes. Our doctor commented that we wasted prime rib on a 1 year old; nothing is too good for our boy. He loves it!!!
We finished off the evening watching some family videos and planning for an all day shopping trip the following day. We decked Bronson out in Beaver attire and took him to Eugene for some returns and shopping for Kyle. We all spent some time relishing in the fact that Bronson was able to be with us and eat at Chili's when just last year we were there eating while worrying about our baby boy in the NICU.
We hope that you all had a fabulous Christmas season, this will be a holiday that we will never forget. We will never forget that the reason for this season is the birth of our savior Jesus Christ and this year more than anything we were struck by how blessed we are as a family. God is soooo good to us!!!!